Walt Whitman

you are what you listen to

Confía en mínunca has soñado poder gritar,
y te enfureces, es horrible el miedo incontenible.
Entonces ven, dame un abrazo,
no te conozco cuando dices, que felices que caras más tristes. 

Some people feel the rain, others just get wet. 

Everyone talks about rock these days, the problem is they forget about the roll.

Keith Richards 

So if you meet me,
have some courtesy, have some sympathy
and some taste
use all your well-learned politesse.

[Sympathy For The Devil - The Rolling Stones]

geometry in photography

The Painter Of The Eiffel Tour, PARIS
“I walked up the tower, maybe one hour of walking. Some people ask me, “Did you ask the painter for permission?” I said, “My goodness, no. To talk with them was to risk slipping and falling down.” I’ve always been shy and I’ve always been trying to ignore the people I was photographing, so that they ignore me. I’m trying always to take a better picture than the one before but I was not sure of this one. I didn’t think after I shot the picture that I shot something interesting. I learned from Cartier-Bresson what’s called “geometry in photography.” It’s not dependent on what you’d call a good photograph, but good geometry.” 

be not afraid of greatness

Let It Fall - Lykke Li
The Sun The Trees - Russian Red

Sometimes things are hard to write about.
After something happens to you, you try to write it down, and either you over dramatize it, or underplay it, exaggerate the wrong parts or ignore the important ones.
At any rate, you never write it quite the way you want to.

"Everything that happens once can never happen again. 
But everything that happens twice will happen a third time." Paulo Coelho


- Me casaría con usted si tuviera dinero. Usted conmigo haría lo mismo?
- Inmediatamente.
- Por eso es una suerte que ninguno de los dos seamos ricos.
"Me gustan los cambios,
el no saber qué vendrá después.
Que algo me pille desprevenido.
La incertidumbre, el vértigo,
incluso la inmensa duda de no saber si seré capaz de controlar la situación."

Fotografía: Diane Arbus
Junk Of The Heart
She Moves In Her Own Way
Mr. Maker

I'm just a dreamer but I'm hanging on
though I am nothing big to offer

Realmente creo que bajo su apariencia de hombre cínico, 
es usted todo un sentimental.
¿Estoy equivocada?
"I dreamed about her but I honestly don't remember when."


You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find...
You get what you need

Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind. MICK JAGGER

friends before anything

merci beaucoup

life is an uneasy ride

"Y fue entonces. Fue entonces cuando sin planearlo siquiera, giró la cabeza.
Imagino que pensó en la absurda situación en la que nos encontrábamos. No lo sé. De hecho puede que nunca llegue a saber que invadía en aquel entonces su cabeza.
Sólo sé que me miró con un gesto interesante y al instante estalló. 
Estalló a carcajadas.
Yo me detuve. 
Y aunque no suelo hacerlo, dediqué un tiempo a pensar que debía hacer. 
Rápidamente comprendí que lo mejor era optar por la risa y me uní a la suya."

What's a blog without TRACY?

"I'm a hopeful cynic." Tracy Chapman

Talkin' Bout A Revolution
Fast Car
Give Me One Reason
Across The Lines
Baby Can I Hold You
"The best thing about a picture is that it never changes 
even when the people in it do." Andy Warhol

una mujer 
no todo vicio es malo
una pasión
una cita en condiciones 
una ciudad aun sin destrozar
un perro feo
 un sueño sin determinar
un domingo por lo tarde (como tántos)
Pero siempre... una buena canción en la cabeza

Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think:
"I'm not going to make it"
but you laugh inside remembering all the times you've felt that way.

For most of history, ANONYMOUS was a woman

maybe we were born to run

Parar el tiempo,
dejarlo todo a un lado y marcharse.
Sin destino y por si cupieran dudas,
sin equipaje.
Cogiendo velocidad,
tomando como base la risa.
Rompiendo con la rutina,
con las absurdas reglas...
Sin decisiones importantes,
y por supuesto, dejando la última palabra siempre al azar.

Puedes definirlo como quieras,
yo hace ya tiempo decidí llamarlo viaje sin rumbo

_ Prometido?
_ Vamonos
_ Buena música?
_ Todo controlado


Think of it this way
You could either be successful or be us
With our winning smiles, and us
With our catchy tunes and words
Now we are photogenic
You know, we don't stand a chance

be yourself, everyone else is already taken

Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.

Photo: Jerome Liebling