“I walked up the tower, maybe one hour of walking. Some people ask me, “Did you ask the painter for permission?” I said, “My goodness, no. To talk with them was to risk slipping and falling down.” I’ve always been shy and I’ve always been trying to ignore the people I was photographing, so that they ignore me. I’m trying always to take a better picture than the one before but I was not sure of this one. I didn’t think after I shot the picture that I shot something interesting. I learned from Cartier-Bresson what’s called “geometry in photography.” It’s not dependent on what you’d call a good photograph, but good geometry.”
After something happens to you, you try to write it down, and either you over dramatize it, or underplay it, exaggerate the wrong parts or ignore the important ones.
At any rate, you never write it quite the way you want to.
"Everything that happens once can never happen again.
But everything that happens twice will happen a third time." Paulo Coelho
"Y fue entonces. Fue entonces cuando sin planearlo siquiera, giró la cabeza.
Imagino que pensó en la absurda situación en la que nos encontrábamos. No lo sé. De hecho puede que nunca llegue a saber que invadía en aquel entonces su cabeza.
Sólo sé que me miró con un gesto interesante y al instante estalló.
Estalló a carcajadas.
Yo me detuve.
Y aunque no suelo hacerlo, dediqué un tiempo a pensar que debía hacer.
Rápidamente comprendí que lo mejor era optar por la risa y me uní a la suya."